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In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, the Merciful.... I didn't die today
by Denis Oakley in , , , ,

I didn't die today. Nor did my daughter - Maya - Age 3 But it was close. We were cycling to school and had to cross the last round about. A woman came in from the side and hit us. Fortunately we managed to stay upright and no harm was done. Some shakes.  We survived because: I cycle aggressively. I try to block cars from doing stupid things that may hurt me. I had one behind me on the two lanes approaching the round about - so I moved into the central lane to stop him cutting me up on the round about. That gave me more time and space with the new line round the roundabout to react to the car that hit me. I cycle...
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Long Break - Building BeyondTransition - The Triathlon Race Guide
by Denis Oakley in , , ,

A long time since I posted here. I moved to another platform, and discontinued this one. That didn't work because I was so busy and the site expired. Such is life. I've been busy building my Triathlon website - BeyondTransition.com which focuses on providing the best information on triathlon races around the world. Unlike many other sites we provide loads of detailed information about each racer - including route maps, course details, accomodation and tactics. All pretty cool. How has this affected my triathlon training? I'm working harder and smarter now. My sessions are more intense and I do a lot more home based...
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Moving Blog Address
by Denis Oakley in

I'll be moving the blog in the near future to http://theslowgingerbreadman.com/. This is partly so I do better in search results and partly to tie up with what we are doing with GoTriathlete We're not there yet - but it will happen. I don't want to lose you so will give plenty of warning before it happens Thanks De...
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Totally Depressed
by Denis Oakley in

Since I got back from Everest I have barely managed to do any training. First of all I had a recovery week to cope with the damage the race did to my muscles - then a week of taking it easy getting ready for the new training cycle. Last week was wrecked by my chest infection and I took the latter part of it off. AND I'M STILL COUGHING. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to get out and train and get back into a proper routine. Off to HK tomorrow so no training then and then hopefully a run on Hong Kong Island on wednesday morni...
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and Smouldering
by Denis Oakley in

Yesterday (Friday) I picked up my race t-shirt for the Damansara Perdana 7k run and bumped into Don Khor. I wasn't feeling totally great and kept on putting off my swim in the hope that I'd feel better. It didn't happen. I was thinking about the 7k. Perfect race for me. It runs from the new development on the hill behind Damansara Perdana out to Flora Damansara (by the toll on the LDP) and back. Every section of it I could viualise running it really fast and how well I was doing relative to the other runners. I must have run it 50 times or more. So I got all my race kit out last night ready for the off at 0800 this morning....
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And Burned....
by Denis Oakley in

Tuesday was a study in endurance - keeping on going - whilst minimising the energy cost to get through the day. I did it but by the time evening came I was just lying on the sofa with my eyes close. We had a pow wow about my new company and the only way that I could energise myself was through beer. Not the bext choice but it did mean that I was able to make a contribution or two. I also promised to check out with Vinnie, my coach, about whether I should continue training through, or not. His advice: Stop training but not exercise. Exercise for 20-30 minutes each day to stimulate the immune system If no improvement take...
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by Denis Oakley in

I felt very rough this morning. I'd woken up in the middle of the night again with a sore throat and when I woke up at 0600 I felt like shit. I'd got to take a friend to the LCCT so a quick shower and into the car with a half drunk can of coke from yesterday yum. The drive down was uneventful and I killed off my second coke before 0700. How well is the day going to go with this start. OK - I felt, still feel, really rough - but I'm pretty happy. Feel bad and being unhappy don't necessarily go together - it's something that we need to remember more. Got home and I felt appalling - so got on the bike for a turbo session. Just...
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