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T - 116 - Rest Day - Monday 3rd November
by Denis Oakley in

A rest day today but apart from my foot I felt suprisingly energised. My left heel though was very painful to walk on and so I think running is out for at least the next few day :( Probably good for the tapering though and it will definitely be good for my swimming. 

Took Senay's bike into BB and told Daniel that I needed it race ready. he asked if my Cervelo was OK and I said I was going to ride my steel Marin hybrid because I could go faster. The look on his face was priceless. So that is getting a couple of new tires so Senay doesn't use as much energy on the sprint. I picked up more new tubes and CO2 and a tub on EnduroxR4 for the protein boost post exercise. I tried some after the tuesday ride and it doesn't disolve very well - but the flavour is nice and light.


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