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Extra Swim and Ruminations on Training - Another Non-Boring Title
by Denis Oakley in

I did some strength work and then headed down to the pool for an unscheduled session. I'd done about 15 minute of calf based exercises - stretches, toe crunches, foam roller so I was hoping that that would help with the cramps. 

I'd also had a manic day - our new website is up - www.OakleySteel.co.uk and art work is with the printer :) - so a swim at the end was a good relaxation.

I've no idea how far I swam or for how long but I really enjoyed myself. I read an article on tri swimming technique before I went down by one of the BRAT coaches - Lawrence Green and just swam for enjoyment focusing on my technique.

And as I did so I though about what Emma was saying on her blog, on the discussion she tagged and on the run on Sunday. Her thoughts were about when should you train and the general conclusion seemed to be when the coach said you should even if you feel like shit.

I came to triathlon from a mountaineering background and you only ever go up into mountains because you love them. You might do other things whilst you're up there but there is a large spiritual component bin why a lot of people do it. 

I'm going to go back to the mountains sooner or later - there are a couple of long and strenuos challenges that I have my eye on - but for the moment that joy is definitely part of triathlon for me. There is the GOAL. The race, the target that we are all aiming for, but too often I think that there is a tendency to sacrifice the JOY in our pursuit of the goal.

Tonight I swam for fun and enjoyed the session in a way that I haven't enjoyed a swim session for a while. I didn't have to do it, I may record it , or I may not, but just being in the water revelling in the fluidity of my movements, the effortless glide, made so much worthwhile.

So whilst I agree with what Emma said, and I've taken inspiration and motivation from it, I think it is only part of the story. You have to enjoy what you are doing and if you're going out on a session that you don't want to do, that you resent doing then you need to make it fun.


Emma said...

Hey up Denis,

Don't get me wrong here. I never resent the workouts, just some days its damn hard seeing them through. The result though everytime at the end is always the same and that is one of pure satisfaction. Be it a good day or a bad day.

Denis Oakley said...

I do :). Especially when I miss one, and then miss another because I felt bad aboutmissing the first. And then get in the water and hate being in the water because I feel crap and I resent the fact that I missed the first and second and that makes me feel: Bad. Childish I know but I have to find workaournds round this part of my personality. :)

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