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T - 121 - Run - Wednesday 29tth October
by Denis Oakley in

I've just noticed that my countdown ticker says 148 days to go which is a bit weird. Not sure what to do about that.

Anyway I had a quick 10 minute warmup down to citibank and back and then hammered up the Armanee Terrace Hill 4 times on 1 minute hill sprints. I haven't looked at my HR scores yet but the high wheeze of my lungs at the end of each rep was horrible until I was able to get it under control. Really hard work and about as bad as anything I have ever done. It reminds me of trying to do a 100m sprint in Ethopia at altitude once - that took me about 15 minutes for my breathing to return to normal! Hot session and glad to get back to the aircon.


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