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Early Morning Run - Kindof
by Denis Oakley in

Aaah the days of Ironman training when I'd get up at 0500 to go running and cycling. Do I miss it? Ummm. No. Due to various domestic difficulties Shen and I didn't get to bed until 2. Then Maya wandered in at 3:30 - and I'm due for an 0630 start.

0630 arrived. stopped. carried on and left me behind. I got up at 0710 and felt like total shit. We were thinking about another baby but this drove back home the real cost of new life - NO SLEEP!!!!!!!

Onto the road for a 60 minute run - out to Penchala and back. I put socks on with my Fingers - chose the wrong shirt which gave my nipple burn - failed to find any headphones for my iphone and headed out.

Instructions were moderate effort uphill, easy flat, and hard downhill - all with a high cadence. The uphills are OK, and it takes a little bit of mental effort to keep the cadence high on the flat whilst going slowly but I did have trouble on the down hills.

Firstly with trainers when you are running down hill you tend to rely on a heel strike. With Vibram Finver Fingers you can't do that - because it hurts. That really impacts your running. Then the high cadence means lots of very little steps very fast - rather than the big bounds. Then add in the aerobic load from just having pushed up a steep hill and having to accelerate.

Quite difficult to get right and I think the key is to lean forward a lot more - possibly try it on hills that aren't so steep as well :)

It was a hard session and starting to feel a little fatigued by the end. My left hip had a bit of ITB but nothing too much to worry about. It will bear watching though.

Got back and ran up the hill into AT and the idly pottered back home. Almost. Saw the pool. Flat. Still. Cold. Jumped in with shoes and shirt. Bliss. Stripped off and swam a couple of lazy laps and then went up to wake Maya and Senay up. Bliss


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