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What Next?
by Denis Oakley in

What next indeed. Well no long course triathlons for a few years. Getting up at 0500 every day, not seeing Senay that much and too much time off work can all be done every once in a while but not for ever. Weekends are delightfully lazy and I seem to have loads of time which is brilliant.

On the down side I'm getting fat, my waistline expands and the balance of power swings in favour of alcohol in our long long battle. So no long course triathlon but no to not exercising or competing as well.

I need competitions and targets to stay focused; something challenging and worthwhile training for - but where the time commitment isn't huge. So For the next year  I have 2 races I'm going to work towards. The Kinabalu Klimathon and the Kapas Marang Swimathon. In both I'd like to be in the top 10 Europeans. (A somewhat arbitrary and whimsical target).

So how to train? Well until October training needs to be predominantly running with some swimming; after October I'll switch over to the swimming. Currently the plan is for 3 - 4 run sessions each week: Sunday - double hill circuits from Lake Gardens;  Monday - Swim. Tuesday - Stair climbing, Wednesday - off, Thursday - fast run or speed intervals; Friday - swim. Saturday - hill intervals. I'm going to ponder this all this week and put together a plan. Then start on Saturday :)


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