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T -138 - Swim - Sunday 12th October
by Denis Oakley in

We were going to go to the poll at 1000 as a family but as Maya had just gone to sleep we kept on driving. She was still asleep at FRIM and so we carried on to Kuala Selangor and birds nest soup  at a rstuarant somehwere in plantation country.

Spent some time checking out the Kona results. Well done Carmen, and Debiie Southwood was first out of the swim in her age group! Just over an hour!

I went out at 5 not really in the mood for a swim. The water was cold after the rain and I totally lost it on my warmup. I did 1,1,2,2,3,2,1 or something rather than my usual 1,2,3,3,2,1 but it worked and I had none of my usual early main set pain and demotivation.

Instead I had lots of fun with the goggles. I'd decided to do splits every 10 lengths (250m) and I ended up having to take off my goggles and readjust them at everysplit and a couple more times beside. Very irritating and often I was just counting down to the 10 lengths so that I could adjust them rather than focusing on my stroke. Very oddly when I got out at then end of the main set my vision was very foggy. It was like my eyes had steamed up and it took about 15 minutes to clear up entirely. I think it may have been due the air pressure inside the mask on the eyeballs. Opticians today. 

I was quite slow and did the swim in 42 minutes with the following splits:

250   -  6.07
500   -  6.23
750   -  6.38
1000 -  6.28
1250 -  6.26
1500 -  6.14
1650 -  42.00

For me it wasn't so much of a time trial as a satisfying completion of the week and affirmation that with a couple of weeks off my swim had not disintegrated. At the moment using these figures my swim time should be about 110minutes or 1 hour 50 which is about 20 minutes outside the 1 hour 30 target that I'd like to meet. Lots more laps to do to help with that though :)

One other reason I felt a bit slow was the effect of the bike and the run on Saturday - no excuses though I'm just depressingly crap at the moment :) But I will get better.


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